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Walking in the light

What is true of Christ should also be true to every believer. We should be consistent in our claim. If we claim, “‘I am living in the light,’ but hates a fellow believer, that person is still living in darkness’” (1 John 2:9). Satan will create more conflict in this world and what a place to begin with than the church, the body of Christ. Satan, the Prince of Darkness will continue to sow seeds of hatred while God, Sun of Righteousness, will sow seeds of love. There will always be conflict between the power of God and the power of Satan. But we know that Satan has been already defeated and in the coming of Christ, Satan will be forever be bounded. We can overcome the temptation Satan will place in our path if we will remain walking in the light of God. There is fellowship among believers when they are all walking in Christ. Love and light go together while hatred and darkness bond together. God founded the church so His children could be in fellowship with one another. We cannot say that we are in fellowship with God if we are not in fellowship with other believers. When we isolate ourselves because we cannot go along with other believers for we have been once hurt by others, we are only prolonging the hurt. It is forgiveness that God wants us to experience so we can again enjoy the fruit of our fellowship with other believers. It is easy to claim that we are doing things pertaining to Christian practices such as singing songs of praise and praying using lofty words, yet deceive ourselves thinking that we are religious and spiritual. We often hear people say, “love is blind,” but not so with believers for when they grow loving others like Christ, all the more they see life brighter and brighter. When true Christian love flows through our lives, we will not desire to walk in darkness again. For the road we are taking as we are walking in the light of Christ becomes easier to see clearly. Let us “Pray that our [your] love will overflow more and more, and that we [you] will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding…filled with the fruit of our [your] salvation—the righteous character produced in our [your] life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God” (Philippians 1:9, 11).




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   11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

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By Westside Baptist Church

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